7 Ways to Help Your Child Cope with Boredom During the Holiday Break

Holiday breaks usually include some much needed downtime for many families. With a scheduled break from schoolwork and tests, large projects at work, & extracurriculars like sports and clubs, most families welcome the chance to rest and recover from such busy day-to-day lives. A drastic change from going from “go-go-go” to such a relaxed schedule can reveal some needs your family may have. Here are some things you can do to help with that adjustment: Learn More...

International Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today we take a moment of reflection to acknowledge today as International Transgender Day of Remembrance. Transgender Day of Remembrance focuses our attention on the violent reality that our transgender and nonbinary siblings experience in their day to day lives, and brings to our attention the names and stories of the individuals who have lost their lives this year to this type of senseless violence. As we lift up the names of these bright lights that have been lost to our families and communities, we also acknowledge the disproportionate impact that this kind of violence has not only on economically disadvantaged members of our community, femme presenting members of our communities but disproportiately upon BIPOC members of our communities. We mourn these individuals while acknowledging that this violence only ends when people of privilege in our communities take active steps to address and eliminate not only transphobia, but also classism, misogyny, and racism. Only when we address the total marginalization of individuals for all facets of their identity can we help assure their safety. To learn more, and to hear the stories of those we’ve lost this year, please visit: https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-nonbinary-community-in-2023 For resources for your own learning about allyship with the transgender community, please see HRC’s booklist for educators and caregivers: https://welcomingschools.org/resources/educators-caregivers-booklists